The Evening Gazette devoted two thorough reviews to our show, by "Musica" and "Mr Gadabout"...

"If all the company are really enthusiastic about their work, then the show is sure to be a success," a famous actor-producer once told me in an interview, and I think it's the enthusiasm which lies behind all efforts to which the Marton Parish Church Operatic Society turns its attention which has made such a success of their production of Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Mikado," presented at the Church Hall this week.
In the very first place I want to point out three very important factors in their success (in addition to enthusiasm).   There is a splendid stage made suitable for the production by the society's hard-working men; there is a wonder-balanced, and quite large, orchestra under the direction of Mr. W. Hogarth, which adds warmth and coklour to the show.   (I must stress this particularly, as first impressions are important, and the impression conveyed by the overture was decidedly cheerful); and there were really beautiful settings for the show itself (and again I have to refer to the enthusiasm of one member in particular, Mr. Albert Howarth, whose efforts as scene-painter were most commendable).
  The company had the advantage of a former D'Oyly Carte artist as producer (in an honorary capacity) in Mr. Sidney King, of St. Annes.   With all the etceteras taken care of, and with an enthusiastic set of players, he has achieved perhaps the most brilliant show in the society's history.
The story of "The Mikado" is too well known for me to labour upon it.   Many of its lilting songs and choruses are almost household ditties, certainly ever popular.
  The outstanding performance of the evening was undoubtedly that of Mr Albert Howarth as Ko-Ko, Lord High Executioner.   Mr Howarth proved as great an artist in costume as in painter's overalls.   I think I was drawn to his performance because I could hear every word he sang or spoke - and inaudibility was at times a failing of a few of the players.
  I was decidedly sorry to find Mr. Jack Spencer carrying on manfully in the part of Nanki-Poo, despite a most severe cold.   I know him for a rather sweet tenor vocalist and a most polished actor, and as I had been looking forward to hearing "A Wandering Minstrel I" I was somewhat disappointed to find him husky.   As the evening went on, however, his cold seemed to clear and , as his acting deserves every commendation, he fully deserved the approval shown for his performance.
  While correctly maintaining the exalted pride of the Lord High Everything-else, as Pooh-Bah, I am afraid Mr James Partridge could have been a little more articulate.   I missed some of the gems of Gilbertian wit that fall to his lot - and so did most of the audience.   As he was much more audible in his songs I fancy some sort of chant as in the church responses (sung rather ponderously, perhaps) would be better and quite in keeping with the part.
  Mr Fowler Wade was most impressive and majestic as the Mikado, while Mr. John Woolfall filled the part of Pish-Tush most effectively.
  Turning to the ladies, Miss Jennifer North struck me as an actress of no little experience and of considerable attainments musically.   As Yum-Yum she sang sweetly, and her acting in the love scenes with Nanki-Poo was really delightful.
  One of the tit-bits of the show, by the way, was "Three Little Maids From School Are We," and with Yum-Yum, Pitti-Sing (Miss Ruby Hill)  and Peep-Bo (Miss Eunice Whiteley), we had a most effective trio.
  The part of Katisha, the elderly lady in love with Nanki-Poo, was a triumph for Miss Peggy Cardwell.   She was just vixenish enough to put fire into the part, and she made the most of the comedy side.
  Master H. Spiby showed great promise as Ko-Ko's attendant.
  With reference to the chorus of guards, coolies, townsmen and school girls, I have to say that here was a large well-balanced body, with one of the best male choruses I have heard in Blackpool for a long time.   The choruses did work hard, and gave the perfect backing to a very bright show, which brilliantly mounted and gorgeously costumed, is one which should long be remembered in the district...
  The opera was first given on Wednesday evening and was repeated last night.   I can recommend it as worthy of a visit either to-night or to-morrow evening.
                                                                                                               Mr Gadabout.

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